Looking for Work
I have spent the last eight months, applying, designing, learning, scrapping by as much as I can. It has been rough, if anyone can point me to any direction I would greatly appreicate it.

On Too A New Frontier
Last day of my EA contract, was heartbreaking. You work with people for over a year you become friends and having to say good-bye is so hard. Add on top of this, that it was truly a job where every day I was happy to be there, it was just hard.
To the Madden Super Star Team, I will never ever forget the kindness I was given to deal with this new job and having to deal with the first year of my new disability. I will also never forget the face paced work environment of Madden .
So what’s next? I have already been applying to every game job I feel I can help with and I am currently working on three designs that had been shelved while I was working for EA. I am very excited/nervous for what the future might hold.

Well the budget came in and my fellow contractors and I are not being renewed
While it hurts I cannot understate, what an experience working at EA has been. Everyone one the team was just an absolute pleasure to work for and I recommend anyone who is looking for work to try them.
With that being said as of 3/1/24 I am available to work for any studio in need of a designer, or producer.

4/11/2023 Working in the industry I have always wanted to be in.
Dreams do come true guys. Working for EA has been an absolute blast. I cannot remember a single time in my professional career, waking up so excited to log on and start my day. It’s like Christmas morning every Monday through Friday. I can’t understate how much I truly appreciate all the leadership at EA who have been training me. Also the amount you learn in such a little time is completely invaluable. It’s a great experience and a great company!

2/27/2023 Working on a Contract for a AAA studio!
Well everyone I finished my cancer treatment. Let me tell you chemo fatigue is real and it’s awful. But as I said in the headline I am now currently working for EA on a six-month contract. I couldn’t be happier!!! Also if anyone is looking to apply there, do it! They have the most kind recruiters and their team leads really seem to care. Anyway it’s great to be working again!

1/4/2023 Cancer Treatment begins again
After a 10 hour surgery, I am now about to begin Radiation and Chemo for the next two months. I am so happy that I live in Atlanta that has the proton center and emory cancer treatment to get me this far.
As for my speech it is only at about 70% right now but will improve throughout the year.
With that being said I am ready to start the work search again and hope that some game studios will look at designs and take a chance on me.
I have been job hunting for the best 8 months while dealing with a disease. I had an amazing interview at EA, which unfortunately I didn’t get but it was still an amazing experience. I had one job scam interview which screw those guys and haha you got nothing but 15 minutes of my time. But the most painful was in the last couple of months I have had four separate recruiters trying to get me a job in the game industry. But nothing ever goes to plan right.
I have been diagnosed with tongue cancer and I am set to have surgery tomorrow at 5:30 am tomorrow morning and it will be a 10-hour surgery.
So now my job hunt is not only on pause, but now I must change tactics. I must ask myself “Is anyone willing to hire a game designer who won’t be able to talk for a while?” My wife who has been my rock throughout this ordeal told me not to worry and I won’t for now. But it’s still going to be in the back of my head.
Aside from being upset the cancer, I am more upset that I will not be able to see my 2-year-old son for 10 days. I am currently the stay-at-home parent, and this is going to wreck the both of us.
I have a long road of recovery but if any recruiters see my profile and want a game designer who has crazy ideas that he wants to bring to life. Feel free to drop me a message.
11/21/2022 Cancer Sucks
It seems that this year’s medical issues just won’t let go of me. I have had some adverse reaction to the Chemo/Steroids and it has caused an issue with my tongue. So I am not able to speak more than a couple of words at the moment and eating is very difficult.
Here is hoping that I can recover from this fast and then continue my career search. Because let’s face it, it is hard to sell yourself when you can’t talk!
10/18/22 : I thought it was over
Finished with chemo and on my way to recovery.
It’s been one heck of a year, but I am glad that I am able to be back on my feet and looking for work.
I have had a couple of studios contact me and a few interviews, but I am still looking for my forever studio.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you wish to discuss any game ideas, I may have an answer you are looking for.

What is your favorite FPS?
So many to choose from.
Let’s go ahead and just list all of them and why:
Competitive: Quake 3 and Unreal these games were so fast paced and unforgiving that dying didn’t matter only respawn times. Plus nothing will beat those nights of blowing yourself up to get the flag closer in Unreal.
Story Based: The Shock series, they are great and the narratives can’t be beat.
Lan and Local: Timesplitter’s 2 the amount of modes and just Flame Tag! You cannot beat the character selection plus creating your own maps.
Weird: Hexen, I love this game so much and would love to see a new one be made for the modern times. Essentially picking a standard D&D class and going on a killing rampage in the first person perspective., simply a stroke of genius. If there was ever an FPS that could work in the freemium market it’s Hexen.

What kind of games do you want to make?
While I am happy to make any genre, I would love an opportunity to make new entry into the comic mascot 3D platformer. Games like Gex, Jack & Daxter, Croc, Banjo Kazooie, and Conker have been dormant for far too long. I feel like the world could use a good laugh and those characters are just a few great examples of games where the humor has lasted.
Aside from that I am currently working on a 4 player co-op story driven VR game. The goal of this game is to let the player experience more freedom in their VR space than they actually have. Trust me it’s neat!
Full on job hunt!
I will be starting my last month of chemo on the July 15th and will be 100% done by August 15th. Recruiters are very much welcome to contact me as I am ready to re-enter the workforce, to start a new career with a new studio, and make some fantastic games!
Happy fourth to everyone!

EA interview results and the future
Again couldn’t thank everyone at EA enough for the wonderful opportunity and it was great to meet so many different people even if it was just on zoom.
I unfortunately didn’t get the position for this title, but I look forward to applying with EA again.
I really can’t express how great the interview experience was.
On a personal note for recruiters I will be going through my chemo treatment through this month (May), and may be slow on my responses.
I hope everyone out there is having a great year so far, let’s get me a game design job!
Went through the third interview
It was a very positive experience through the entire EA interview process. I would definitely say in my top five interview experiences. Regardless of what happens it was an excellent experience.
Excited for my second interview with EA
Been a huge fan of Fifa since 2006 and have my copy of Madden 92 for Genesis beside me. This is an exciting opportunity that only comes once in a life time! Plus EA has the Star Wars license!!!
Am I willing to work in any time zone?
I have no issue working in any time zone, I would love to work with some studios in the UK, since my favorite studio growing up was Rareware. I also loved Silicon Knights who were based in Canada. The point is I am up for the challenge of chugging some Monsters, Redbulls, and Coffee to help bring innovative games to life.
Lot of traffic
I have been getting a lot of traffic on this site and the interviews have been wonderful so far. Don’t forget to drop me a message in Contact Me section.
2/22/22 What are you currently working on?
First of all I am so excited that I have already have received some questions from posting this portfolio.
Second, the current game designs that I am working on (only one is attached to a specific studio) are:
-A violence free battle royal game (sounds weird I know but it works)
-A co-op online story driven VR experience (Bonus Story is complete)
-Fleshing out the episodic adventure that I had to create for a creativity test I took last week.
-Lastly I have been working on a design/pitch for a sequel to a much beloved franchise.
2/19/22 An online portfolio
This is new for me. Putting my work on display for the world to see.
However! I am extremely excited to see the feedback that will come from it. I look Forward to hearing from you game studios! While we are on the subject click here to see my Game Designs sections.